An Autumnal Photowalk

Before it got all gross and wintery here, I managed to go on a photowalk with Claire to capture some of the colours changing. I feel pretty lucky to live where we live; not just to be able to call Edinburgh our home, but I love our neighbourhood!

PC: Claire

PC: Claire

What better way to celebrate Autumn than by tossing the fallen leaves in the air??

And of course Liam got in on the leaf action as well!

PC: Claire

You can see Claire’s photos of our walk here.

A Brain Dump (+ Photos!!)

Tomorrow Liam will be 20 weeks – TWENTY WEEKS!! I can’t believe it’s been that long… or that short? I can’t tell just yet ;) So much has happened within these last four plus months and at the same time nothing has happened. I mean, Liam is blowing my mind, and taking care of him is such a joy, but, I know it’s not as exciting to you as it is to me.

Or maybe it is? I don’t know.

So, if you don’t mind, I’m just gonna dump it all out and we’ll take it from there. Thanks.

I’ve started exercising again! A friend gifted me her Kayla Itsines’ BBG workout and  I’ve died about five times now; but it feels good to be exercising again. I can’t do her guides completely (my body is not ready for mountain climbers or burpees) but most of it is pretty doable. I’ve got a looooong way to go.

Will is working from home now and it’s been great. I wasn’t sure it was a good idea at first (I wasn’t sure I had the self-discipline to leave him alone all day), but after seeing how Will and Liam have grown closer because of the extra time Will is spending at home has made it worth it! I have nothing but heart eyes for these two!

I love catching Liam’s silly faces on camera!!

I will forever love Dean Bridge for this view.

I made goat’s milk soap with my friend, Aya, and love it. Everyone’s getting soap for Christmas!

Friends of ours moved back to the States so we bought their tv for dirt cheap. It’s made binging on Suits much more enjoyable. Though, I do have to share it with Will and Liam so they can watch their sports.

Our MC (Missional Community) spent a Sunday at the beach. I wish there were more days like this one during the summer.

I went to a breastfeeding clinic last week and Liam put on a show for the nurses – as in he did his new trick of feeding for only three minutes and crying for the better part of an hour. The midwives confirmed that he is teething and recommended Ashton & Parsons Infants’ Powder; it’s a game changer! He hasn’t put on much weight in the last month so this should help with that.

was using cloth diapers on Liam but then he started soiling his outfit every time so I went back to paper diapers. I’m hoping he’ll put on some more weight now that he’s eating better so we can go back to cloth. We’re using BumGenius diapers that we inherited from a sweet friend and it’s such a money saver! Honestly, I kinda don’t like using cloth, but I dislike spending the money on paper more – sooooo yeah.

I just bought River Cottage’s Baby & Toddler Cookbook and can’t wait to use it!

I’m on an organising spree so I’ve got Evernote and iBank on my phone – meal planning and budgeting FTW!

I just celebrated my 32nd birthday (woah!!) and it was such a pleasant day. Will was away in Sweden for the weekend so I was happy to have him home. We made a big breakfast, spent 90 minutes looking for a movie to watch on Netflix (as you do), gave Liam a bath, and did a little shopping. It wasn’t much but I loved every minute of it!

Free Lensing #2

A couple of posts ago I showed you my first attempt at free lensing. Here’s my second. But, I will warn you, I was on a train and I didn’t have much to work with…

Also, as you can see, The Galloways made it here safe and sound (and have sadly left already) so I have a couple of posts about our adventures coming soon. Needless to say, a lot of good times were had! In the mean time here are Lauryn’s first and second posts of their trip.

Free Lensing

Have you guys heard of free lensing? Yeah, neither had I until I was catching up on Leney’s blog where she tried it out. Here are my attempts at it.

Kinda cool, right?! Yeah, I know I have a long ways to go but it does have some really cool effects once one gets good at it. And yes, that’s Will still in bed… he’s my muse.

You can check out Leney’s attempts here and a couple of tutorials I read here and here.

And for all of you über visual learners, like me, here’s a video.

Wildflower Friday

Happy Black Friday! What did you do today? Did you shop? Did you continue to sleep off all of the food you consumed yesterday?
Will and I haven’t had our Thanksgiving yet. That’s going to be tomorrow with our Edinburgh family! I can’t wait. We’re also having an “open-house” Thanksgiving lunch for our neighbors to meet them. Crossing my fingers more than 1 person shows up.
Anyway, even though Thanksgiving isn’t really a holiday here in the UK I took Black Friday off. I didn’t have any plans except to lounge as much as possible. And clean, for tomorrow. But mainly lounge. And loung I did. I also caught up on all of my blogs, one of them being Wildflowers Photography and coming across her camper van reno and pictures of her family’s camper-holiday. Now, I had blogged about wanting a camper van to travel whatever landmass my family and I are living on at the time and here is someone doing just that! Ugh, be still my anxious heart!

*Note: These are all Joy’s pictures from her blog.

Amazing, right?!

Dear Will,

     You better believe I’ve already mapped out our first two camper van holidays… no matter how many kids we have and what age they are… oh, and the dogs are coming too!

Your love,
