As Close to P-Diddy-style As I’ll Ever Get

Yep, you read that right, and you’re assuming correctly, I’ve experienced a moment where I kinda somewhat maybe knew what P-Diddy’s posse feels like. What experience was this, you ask? (or at least I hope you’re asking or that would be weird). The office Christmas party!
So, I work for a nursing agency that covers the entirety of both Scotland and Northern Ireland. We have a sister company that does the same in England and in Wales. Every year they have a joint Christmas party down in England because, as our director has explained, it’s easier to fly 15 people down to England instead of 300+ up to Scotland AND pay for their hotel. Yeah, I was flown to the Christmas party!

Of course, the party started in the airport…

Hello London!

When we landed and finally got to the hotel we had 30 minutes to get ready. 30 Minutes people. How do you get ready for a Christmas party in 30 minutes? And this wasn’t just run-of-the-mill party, there was going to be an awards ceremony and a club. Yeah, please don’t ask because I still can’t tell you.

After not winning any awards (I’ve only been there 5 months people, give me a break) the party started. We ate dinner and then danced the night away.

Yes, that is a very tall man.

That man was hired to dance here… I was a bit embarrassed. Nope, a lot embarrassed.

(Go Shirley! It’s your birthday! Not for real real but for play play!) I love Shirley!

And when the night came to an end… I mean, MY night came to an end, at 10:30, I went up to my room. The Brits know how to party and they seriously party hard! I may look like I’m 29 but really I’m 79. I can only hold down 2 glasses of wine before I turn into a belligerent drunkard (coughlightweightcough) and no one really wants to see that; especially people who have to see me Monday through Friday. Or, at least I don’t want them to see it. And I get tired at 9:30 and really enjoy getting a solid night’s rest. See, 79 people. I’m not lying here.
The next morning we discussed the snog-fests (make-out sessions), projectile vomitting, and black outs I missed while eating breakfast and then I went back up to my room to watch some “Frasier” before heading back to the airport.

Soon after we were off headed back up to Edinburgh. Everyone felt a little “off” so it was a quiet trip.

Aaaaaahhhh!! Home sweet home!
And so, there was my P-Diddy-esque experience!


Last week we celebrated Will’s 28th birthday at The Sheep Heid Inn, Edinburgh’s oldest pub, for some dinner, drinks, and pub quiz!

Happy Birthday Will!
I’m so grateful you were born and will always be thrilled to celebrate your birth. You mean the world to me!
I love you :)


After Will’s graduation we celebrated the “official” start of Christmastime in Edinburgh. The German market opened their doors, the Highland Fair started up their rides, and the city turned on the lights!

It’s really a magical time here for Christmas; an all of it was kicked off with a parade. Now, I’d love to be able to explain to following pictures but I can’t. Sorry.

And, of course, in true Edinburgh fashion, there were fireworks!

This is probably the only good thing about the sun setting so early (3:30/4p), there’s more time to see all of the Christmas lights on!


I know I know, I’m over 2 weeks late with this one.
Anyway, I had mentioned before we had our friends come over for Thanksgiving and were also inviting our neighbors too. Well, zero neighbors showed up for lunch BUT we did have 20 people in our flat for dinner!
I seasoned the turkey (only my second turkey ever making!) and made mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, and an apple pie. All homemade! I felt very Rachel Ray-y… you know, awesome in the kitchen.

Not a bad spread, eh?! We had turkey, ham, stuffing, mac and cheese and mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, salad, cranberry sauce, pumpkin bread, biscuits, cornbread, and finger rolls. And, that doesn’t include the desserts. There was pumpkin pie, apple pie, cupcakes, and scottish tray bakes! Seriously, we all ate like kings and queens.
I think the best part was our British friends who made traditional Thanksgiving dishes. It meant the world to me how they wanted to contribute to an authentic holiday.

Of course we went around saying what we were thankful for and community was the number one pick. None of use in the room were from Edinburgh which means we all understood each other’s craving to find our place here in this city and our community. It’s been so evident how important community is in life and God has provided that for us in ways I could never have imagined.
What were you most thankful for?


Last Thursday Will walked for his second Masters! Needless to say, I’m one proud wife!

The ceremony was in McEwan Hall in George Square and it was beautiful!

I loved seeing the faculty in their Alma Mater’s colors!

Instead of switching a tassle over to the other side the graduate is tapped on the head with the bonnet. It’s connected to when Roman slaves used to be released with an act of manumission which is a tap on the cheek symbolizing their release from slavery. The vice chancellor taps the graduate on the head with the bonnet, the bonnet being a sign of academic authority, releasing the student from their studies.

And here’s Will!

I’m sad I missed the actual tapping but I got it with Nathan.

According to legend, that bonnet is made up of the trousers of John Knox! AND the lining was taken, by a graduate, into space. In the words of the vice chancellor, “The word ‘unique’ is probably over used in the world today, but I feel pretty safe saying that the University of Edinburgh is unique in graduating its students with a ritual of Roman slave manumission by tapping them on the head with a medieval space bonnet.”

YAAAAAAAYYYY GRADUATES!!!! (left to right: Will, Anna, Nathan)

Token graduate photo right here!

And not so token graduate photo.

Oh, I’m so proud of him!

To me, school has been a means to an end. I never enjoyed it and just got it over with as fast as I possibly could. I learn by doing and watching, not by reading or writing. So, it’s hard for me to understand how someone would want to go back to school that involves nothing but that. It baffles me. Will loves it. He absolutely loves it and I’m so glad he does. It means our kids won’t turn out illiterate!

I love you William Kelly!!


A couple of weeks ago Will and I got on a bus to meet up with some friends in Cramond for their joint birthdays. It was a nice little getaway for the evening. We got there just after the sun set (cough 3:30 cough) and walked around a bit before meeting up in the local pub. We ate homemade brownies, learned what older Irish women say in conversation, and chatted about embarrassing moments. It was a wonderful evening.