My 29 Year Old “To-Do” List

You guys, I’m 29. 29! This is crazy! I’m in my last year of my twenties. I still feel like I’m 17. 29 year olds are wise and responsible and rational and have careers and babies. I am none of those and have none those. Well, I’m wise for a 17 year old. That counts for something, right?
So, I’ve decided to come up with a to-do list for my final year of my 2nd decade in life:

1. Run in a race here in the UK. Preferably a triathlon because I’d like to get 2 under my belt but I’m not too keen on swimming in the North Sea.

2. Read the following books: Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s The Cost of Discipleship,Dallas Willard’s The Spirit of The Disciplines, and What Would Jackie Do by Shelly Branch and Sue Callaway (because what WOULD Jackie do?)
** Addendum: Pride and Prejudice, Three Cups of Tea, The Hunger Games, The Lord of The Rings, Plum Wine, Sense and Sensibility, Is Everyone Hanging out Without Me.

3. Learn how to use my sewing machine. And use it. More than once.

4. Feel more confidant in my culinary skills. This includes meal-planning within budget (ugh!).

5. Be a pet owner.

6. Get to know all of my neighbors in our building and have them over at least once.

7. Improve my photography. I don’t know how to go about doing this other than really push myself to commit to taking better pictures. Especially in social situations, I’ll just click and be done with it and not really try hard because I’m feeling self-conscious.

8. Learn how to surf. Apparently it’s big here in the UK. Who knew?!

9. Have the flat exactly how Will and I want it (please pray for us because we have very different decorating opinions… and we’re both really stubborn). This means that pictures will be hung, shelves put up, and extra seating for our guests.

10. Knit something complicated.

Okie dokie, well, that’s all I can think of. Do any of you have any “to-do” lists that you’re working on. Any bucket list makers out there?

Here’s a picture of me and Trisha stoked on Baby Chernoff this past weekend. Isn’t Nathalie adorable?!!!!

Photo Cred: Rachel Ehorn